
Saturday, 13 November 2010

FFXIV Gathering Impressions (@Tankthat)

While search the web for various information about gathering (Disciples of the Land) experiences I came across this post: FFXIV Gathering Impressions.

The post comments on the annoying lag (server delay) you can get when harvesting throughout the land of Eorzea, and the shear randomness. I especially like the comment about harvesting ore and wood. You would think that a Disciple of the Land who trained as a Botanist would be able to tell a Oak tree from a Maple tree; or a trained Miner would be able to seek out required minerals. Although, the flip side could be certain mining veins or tree being over camped.

Perhaps a possible solution could be to create prospect skill that gives you a list of the main minerals in the mining node or tree; "This mineral vein contains 40% copper ore, 5% tin ore and other minerals"*

*And by other minerals I mean: fine sand, bone chip, elemental rock etc.

I guess this could this translate into fishing, "This fishing spot contains some black frogs...". Not quite giving the game away but giving the adventure a little information to make an informed choice.

Inspect Water, anyone?

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