Computer Spec:-
Processor: Intel(r) Core 2 DUO [6400] @ 2.13GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 8.00GB
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
Disk Drive: 1TB Raid 1 (Mirror)
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GTS (3870MB)
Monitor(1): Dell 27" (2707WFP)
Monitor(2): Dell 20" (2007WFP)
Game Performance (Open Beta): Sadly the game runs very slow, close to unbearable. On average my in game FPS is about 15; maxing out at 25-30FPS when facing a wall with no other players around. Running through towns and leveling zones with more than 10 players I can see my FPS drop to as low as 3. General UI delay is close to shocking at present, especially when compared to similar games. When scrolling through my inventory, equipping new items, setting up a bazaar, crafting and even type messages via chat or my linkshell I can expect a 1 to 10 second delay per action. Yes, and before you ask all my settings have been set to low/lowest/no-buffer etc. Maybe I am missing something, maybe the beta version requires a few more tweaks; anyhow that's my experience of the game so far. With the official game release approaching the question should I upgrade is ringing in my ears.
For shear kicks I ran the "High" spec version of the benchmark, apart from opening a huge window the benchmark ran ok-ish, I did notice some lag and frame dropping (if that is the right term) but was shocked at the score I got, 1149? on high. Yes, its not quite 4000-5000 but I was expecting something like 500 at best.
After spending what seemed like 2 hour tweaking my game configuration and graphics setup I manage to get another 5-10FPS... However the game now resembles a very low res version of Final Fantasy XI, but with UI lag. As you will see from my latest screen shots they appear pixelated.

Note: Changing the buffer size to anything less than "Resolution" will result in playing the game as if it were a N64 game, Zelda comes to mind.
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Computer Spec:-
Processor: Intel(r) Core 2 DUO [E8500] @ 3.2GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 8.00GB (800Mhz)
Operating System: Windows 7 Pro 64Bit
Disk Drive: 80GB Intel SSD (OS & Game)
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 260 GTX (896MB)
Monitor(1): Asus 21"
Being a little more than the casual gamer which Shim claims to be :P my spec doesn't really reflect my gaming style. However I seem to be able to run the game fairly well with an in-game average of around 30fps. This does depend on whats going on mind you, sometimes it can hike up to 45-50 or drop down to 10 (usually in a city with lots of people around).
MelodyKitn's score is just below mine at around 3010 with the same spec PC apart from not having a SSD with the OS and Game/Benchmark
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