After a brief moment you will receive one of three messages. A bite, a nibble or nothing bites alert. If you receive a nibble message I recommend that you select the wait option.
When you have selected the "Jig" option, you will be shown a swing gauge. This gauge will have a dot that moves left and right across the arch. If you stop the dot on the left side, you will pull the rod left, and vice versa. However if you stop the marker in the middle area you will pull the rod up or in a backwards motion.
Each "Jig" motion will drain stamina bar to zero, much like crafting if it hits zero you lose. In this case the fish gets away.
Here are some responses you will get when fishing:
You've hooked something but cannot reel it in.
In my experience you are very close to something but the fish to too strong for you or has not been worn down enough.
The fish is taking line.
You are most likely pulling in the wrong direction, try the exact opposite if possible.
You take in some line.
This is a mixed blessing, you are pulling in the right direction or the fish is swimming in that direction. Try pulling up, you might get lucky.
You take in a great deal of line.
Your very close to catching the fish, try repeating this position or stopping on the middle to pull back.
The fish is tired, but you cannot yet reel it in.
Very similar to above, repeat the position and you will most likely land the fish.
Stocking Up on Bait
Stack of Bloodworms, these appear to work both in the ocean and in freshwater.
99 x 3 gil = 297 gil
Stack of Lugworm, these only appear to work in the ocean.
99 x 3 gil = 297 gil
Stack of Moth Pupa, these are great for freshwater fishing.
99 x 3 gil = 297 gil
After completing a few leve quests or selling some fish you will have enough gil to purchase a "Bronze Gig". With this item equipped you can use the Spearfish option when a suitable location has been found. Locations are normal glowing parts in rivers, streams and undergrowth. Simply select the Spearfish option when close to a location and stab away. You will most likely receive bugs or worms which you can use as bait. You will also get a few points in your Fishing Skill.
Swing Gauge Marker

Depth Bars (from top):
Position Combo (1-5):
Fresh Water Area(s):
Depth 2, Position 4: x2 Tree Frog+2 (Caught)
Depth 2, Position 1: Brass Loach (Lost)
Depth 2, Position 2: 1x Tree Frog (Caught)
Depth 2, Position 2 > Position 4: x2 Pipira (Caught)
Depth 2, Position 2: x2 Tree Frog (Caught)
Depth 2, Position 4 > Position 2: x2 Crayfish (Caught)
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