Ok so the UI is okay at best and nearly everything you do or want to do is buried in menu after menu.

Macros on the other hand can make switch weapons/classes much easier.
You can find the macros from the Main menu > Configuration > Macros.
Lots of space for making plenty of them and you have the choice of making one for either access from CTRL or ALT.
What can you do with a macro?
- Change Equipment
- Change Skills on the action bar
- /Dance your heart out
How do they work?
There is a short hand way of writing macros of the full/longer way. For example, you can equip your main hand weapon in one of the following ways:
/equip main "Weathered War Axe"
/equip "Main Hand" "Weathered War Axe"
Here are some examples that you can work from:
/equip main "Weapon Name"
/equip sub "Off Hand Weapon Name"
Action Bar (Syntax: /eaction [button number] [skill name])
/eaction 2 "Skill Name"
/eaction 3 "Trunksplitter"
Important Note
When making a macro make sure you spell Items and Skills as they are displayed including capitalisation.
Adventuring Footnote
Watch out for big meanie crabs...

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